Jennifer Hogan
2017 Nominee
Local Government & Civic Leaders
Community Credit Union
Nominator’s Comments:
“I feel Jen is deserving of being recognized as she took on the position of President/CEO at Community Credit Union and in her first year of leadership record growth was recorded for both loans and deposits. She engages staff and our membership positively in everything she does. In addition, she is a nearly 10 year veteran on the Chamber Board and is the Chair Elect. She was very active in the recent CEO search for the LA Metro Chamber. Leadership comes naturally to Jen as she has assisted many local organizations grow such as the Androscoggin Chapter of Maine Women’s Network, the L-A Rotary Club, and has been actively involved in committees such as Workforce/Education Committee of the Chamber, various committees such as Social Responsibility, Technology and Legislative Action at the Maine Credit Union League.”
“I have worked with Jen a number of years on the LA Metro Chamber board. Most recently in her capacity as the chair of the hiring committee searching for a new CEO for that organization. Jen is highly organized, focused and productive–but at the same time she is intuitive, has great relationship skills that all combines to make her a great leader for the credit union and the community.”