Gabrielle Russell
2017 40 Under 40 Honoree
Economic Development
Platz Associates
As an architect, Gabrielle Russell helps design buildings. She’s also helping to design the future of LA.
“I grew up in Auburn, left for college, and returned to the area after graduation. After seeing how much opportunity and untapped potential there is here, I began to think it is a great place to stay and get rooted in even more,” said Russell. “Although I love other cities, it has been great to see LA change over the years and improve because of all of the hard work and investment people have made. Settling in a place where I can see growth and bright spots all around me, fuels my energy to contribute.”
Russel serves on the Board of Directors for Grow L+A, the YMCA, and The Auburn Business Development Corporation. She’s also the co-campaign manager of One LA.
“In general, I care deeply about a connected and vibrant walkable community. I love architecture, both modern and historic, and love the urban environment that surrounds the buildings with its parks, bridges, courtyards, and landscapes,” said Russell, who also expresses her love for the arts, nature and animals, the environment, healthy living, and people. “I care about these causes, even if I’m not currently on a board that is focused on them.”
Commenting on her future designs, she hopes that LA will become an arts, culture and health, and wellness destination, anchored by Mill 5 and the Mill District.
“I’d also like to have my pilot’s license, an engineering degree, and a family.”