Kirstyn Birkbeck
2020 Nominee
Emerging Leaders
Branch Manager
Community Credit Union
Nominator’s Comments:
“Denzel Washington was quoted saying “At the end it’s not about what you have or even what you’ve accomplished. It’s about who you’ve lifted up, who you’ve made better. It’s about what you’ve given back.” When I first read that quote I immediately thought of one of our Branch Managers, Kirstyn Birkbeck.
Kirstyn has accomplished so much in her five years working at Community Credit Union. She began her career as a Member Representative. In a short period of time she progressed to the role of a Financial Service Representative (FSR). She immediately inspired me when I observed her learning new functions and asking the “why” behind “why” we did things. I have always instilled in my team that just because we’ve always done something one way for a long time doesn’t mean it’s the right away, or the most efficient way. I always challenge my team to ask the deeper questions and understand the “why” behind things. Kirstyn never disappoints in this challenge and as a result became an expert in her role. This expertise made her an easy choice when she applied to be promoted to Branch Manager.
Even though Kirstyn had never supervised anyone, as a Leadership Team we felt we could give her the training she needed to be successful in doing so. Kirstyn is a natural Supervisor and an incredible Leader. I use those two words distinctly when I talk about Kirstyn. As a Supervisor she does an incredible job directing her staff, teaching them new processes and holding them accountable. As a leader she promotes team work, inspires confidence in her team and works closely with each individual member of her team to help them grow and develop for future opportunities in the Credit Union or beyond.
Kirstyn also serves as a role model for all employees at Community Credit Union. When there is a new project presented, she is always the first one to raise her hand. Through her time at Community Credit Union she has led our Sunshine Committee and most recently led our Company Outing Committee where we celebrate all employees and honor employees for their accomplishments throughout the year. She’s also spent a great amount of time this past year passing on her knowledge and experiences as a FSR to other employees throughout the organization. She taught them the ins and outs of different projects including Abandoned Property, IRA reporting, Tax Withholdings, Levies, Wire Transfers and more. I’ve always told our team that when you train someone to take on your role you train them better than you were trained, you train them to be better at the job than you. Kirstyn took this advice to heart, spending countless hours training on these processes to ensure her replacements had a full understanding including function, compliance and the “why”. These employees have gained a deep amount of trust and respect for Kirstyn and call on her anytime they come across something they have not yet experienced.
And if being a Superstar in her role isn’t enough, Kirstyn also lives and breathes the Credit Union philosophy of “People Helping People.” She volunteers for nearly every event that the Credit Union holds or participates in including the Turner One Lunger Snowmobile races, Community Recycle Day, St. Mary’s Commit to Get Fit, the Lake Auburn Half Marathon, the 4th of July Holiday Parade, the Twin Cities Holiday Parade and more. She also prides herself on being involved in financial literacy programs in our community, holding sessions with the local Girl Scouts and teaching Credit Union financial classes at Central Maine Community College.
Kirstyn is a Superstar and an emerging leader who does not need, but deserves recognition for all that she does.” – J. Hogan, Lewiston, Maine
“I am nominating this individual because she stands for hard work dedication and involvement in the community! Kirstyn has been working since she was 15 years old. She has now been with Community Credit Union since she was 21 years old. She just turned 27 a week ago and has been a Branch Manager since she was 25. She started as a teller and has worked her way to her position solely on her own by exemplifying the attributes that a young leader and future leader possess. She has always been wise and smarter beyond her years She has always shown amazing qualities and has always possessed what it takes to be and go above and beyond wherever she was is and has been. She yearns for more and has the will and strength to go wherever she desires in life. She shines in the community and is a friend to whomever comes her way. Hard working dedicated selfless determined strong intelligent and excited to conquer any challenges that come her way all the while dealing with her own health issues and almost losing her own life not even 2 short years ago. Instead of giving up or doing what others may recommend she continues to kick butt mainly 6 days a week and all the while doing community events , being on the board of chairs for the community credit union she teaches financial advisory classes twice a month at cmmc she has been the volunteer of the month and year employee of the month and Year and she still continues to fight every single day NEVER calling out. My daughter was born with Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and she has a defibrillator pacemaker in her chest since she was 15. In a world where she could have let this disease take her life she chose and still chooses to fight to want more to leave her mark in this world! She is most deserving of this award She is simply amazing and she has the ability and agility to be anything she wants! She has the drive the class and sass and the brains! All the while always putting everyone who needs her first She is a one of a kind young lady and definitely an advocate for our world and future!” – A. Birkbeck, Lewiston, Maine
“This young woman has dedicated her entire self to the work of CCU. She steps to lead in all aspects and positions of her job, and never complains. Kirstyn has grown into a wonderful leader and I think I speak for everyone who knows and works with her that she is going to make a great Credit Union CEO one day. She participates in numerous volunteer opportunities and she goes above and beyond for her co workers and CCU on a daily basis. She deserves the recognition for all of her hard work.” – J. Beaulieu, Litchfield, Maine