Abdikhadar Shire
2021 Nominee
Economic Development
Executive Director
Ak Health and Social Services
Nominator’s Comments:
“I worked with Abdikhadar at his agency Ak Health and Social services as employment specialist. He has been supporting immigrants refugees, asylum seekers and BIPOC communities with limited communication skills.
I am currently the Human Resources director of Fresh Start Maine, a mental health started by Abdikhadar to assist immigrants who are dealing with Post traumatic stress disorder from civil wars they endured. In one year Abdikhadar has done so much for the communities from social support, to vaccinations, to workforce development and now started a mental health agency. He is trying to do everything he can to reduce barriers for our communities from economic opportunities to medical to mental health. He has been providing sponsorships to at risk youth through soccer and basketball.” – A. Farah, Lewiston, Maine