Andrew Lunn
2022 Finest Under 40 Awardee
Chief Operations Officer
Community Credit Union
Andrew has been working in financial services in many roles as his career has continued to grow – starting as a Teller, several roles with Accounting functions, roles with Marketing, Deposit Operations, Loan Operations, Technology, Human Resources, and Compliance. He is well versed in all aspects of a successful Credit Union and is a believer in the credit union mission of people helping people as well. He recently achieved his Certified Credit Union Financial Counselor (CCUFC) designation. As the Information Security Officer for Community Credit Union, he works tirelessly to keep our member’s information safe, teaching our staff and our membership safe internet habits and keeping up to date on the latest technology including cyber security. He continues to be hungry to learn new things and create efficiencies within the organization. Recent roles have included managing people and assisting with the organization’s strategic plan but as roles change his focus remains on providing a positive member experience and helping others achieve financial wellness however they define it. Andrew serves his community in many ways, active in CCU initiatives such as Ending Hunger fundraisers, teaching financial literacy classes, volunteering in local schools as well as volunteering for local organizations such as Uplift LA and Maine Credit Union League Committees. As a leader at Community Credit Union there is no job Andrew won’t do and do with a smile and positive attitude, he leads by example and is very deserving of a Finest Under 40 recognition for his impact on financial services in our community!
-B. Sibley