Amanda M. Fitts
2017 40 Under 40 Honoree
Sapphire Nightclub & Event Center
Amanda M. Fitts is a natural helper.
“I’ve worked in health care for 11 years and I love helping others so being a mental health rehabilitation technician is a perfect job for me,” said Fitts, who also helps run the Sapphire Night Club and Event Center. “Having this venue allows me to donate to folks who are truly needy.”
She explains that the event center has hosted about 10 fundraising benefits for people who have lost loved ones and for people battling cancer.
“We have held two mental health dances and we are doing a prom soon,” said Fitts. “We are able to donate quite a bit because we have a caring team at Sapphire that are always there to help me.”
She said that the event center will be doing something for Earth Day to help clean up the community and environment, as well.
Personally speaking, she said that her fiancé is her biggest hero and she feels that she has become a better person because of him. She moved from Sidney, Maine to Lewiston to be with him and his two daughters. She proudly said that she has three daughters for her own.
She’s humble about the recognition she’s received for her community work.
“I don’t look for the attention, but it feels so amazing to be recognized. This truly means the world to me,” said Cloutier. “If I could open a few more businesses I could help people even more than I do now.”