Heidi Bisson
2017 40 Under 40 Honoree
Student Finance Advisor
Kaplan University
Heidi Bisson helps make dreams come true.
“As a Student Finance Advisor, I assist students with all aspects of the financial aid process. I meet with each student upon enrollment to review funding eligibility and assist with finding other sources of funding, if needed, said Bisson, who has worked at Kaplan University for ten years. “I work with my students throughout their programs to ensure they understand their funding options. I also assist soon to be graduates and past graduates with loan repayment options to ensure they understand how their lender can help them.”
Bisson made her own dream come true when she started work as the front desk receptionist at the university.
“I was able to take advantage of the education benefits offered to me and complete my degree. I moved into the Student Finance Office five years ago,” said Bisson. “It is a great feeling to see a student feel so happy to know they can afford to go back to school and make a better life for themselves and their family.”
It is no surprise that Bisson’s community involvement finds her teaching financial literacy through Junior Achievement.
“I have been a JA volunteer for four years and I am also a member of the Central Maine area board,” she explains. “I believe financial literacy is very important to the success of our children and it should start at a young age. JA provides this to many children who may not have access to it otherwise.”