Joseph Philippon
2016 40 Under 40 Honoree
Local Heroes
Community Resource Officer
Lewiston Police Department
Joe joined the Lewiston Police Department in the summer of 2005 after graduating from the University of Maine in Augusta with his bachelor’s degree in Administration of Justice. Raised in Lewiston, he stayed connected to L/A during college through his work as a security officer for St. Mary’s Hospital and Bates. Joe has always found L/A to be welcoming, safe, and rich with history, which is why he decided to stay here with his wife, Katie, to raise their growing family. The couple resides in Lewiston together with Joe’s stepson, Isaha, and their exciting new addition due to arrive in the fall.
As a Community Resource Officer for Lewiston PD, Joe focuses on outreach by participating in community meetings and developing positive relationships with L/A citizens. He is responsible for education, recruitment, and grant management, as well as developing initiatives for long-term solutions to community problems and emphasizing the importance of community policing and relationship building. Joe also oversees the Lewiston Project Lifesaver Program, a program that aims to provide timely responses for those affected by Alzheimer’s disease and similar conditions that cause them to wander. Individuals enrolled in the Program wear a transmitter and can be found more quickly, which means more lives are saved and many potential injuries may be avoided.
Outside of his career, Joe has a passion for all things relating to education. He gives back to his community by serving on the board of directors for the Androscoggin Head Start Program, and is signed up to be an assistant coach for the upcoming eighth grade Lewiston Middle School baseball team. In the past, he served as President of the Elliott Ave. Little League and has been an assistant coach for several little league teams in the area. Based on his life experiences, Joe believes that an accessible and quality education plays a significant part in ensuring success for the future of L/A’s youth.
Joe’s favorite thing about L/A is its sense of community. He is motivated by growing local efforts to effect positive change and continued development in the area. When he is not at work or volunteering his time, Joe can be found enjoying a bite to eat at Fuel Restaurant, where his wife is general manager. He enjoys traveling, eating out, playing hockey, and watching his stepson’s baseball and hockey games.
Looking forward, Joe hopes to play a more significant role in the continued growth and development of the L/A community through public service. He believes that we all must advocate for the community where we live, work, and raise our families.