Ashley Medina
2020 40 Under 40 Honoree
Local Heroes
Mentor & Vocational Coordinator
Goodwill NNE Take 2 Youthbuild
Ashley Medina is making good neighbors even better.
From a nominator, “Ashley is a quiet leader pulling strength from her experiences and community to make her neighborhood stronger. She speaks strongly of the loss of her home to fire, how it brought her community together and how those experiences have brought her to lead change in her community and the neighborhood. Her work is committed to connecting disconnected youth in her community to opportunity and her volunteer work has pushed her outside her comfort zone to participate in the board of Community Concepts and Healthy Neighborhoods Planning Council to ensure the work happening in her neighborhood is best for her neighbors.”
At Take 2, she works with disconnected youth ages 17-24 who have barriers to education and employment. Take 2 participants learn construction skills and help renovate low- income housing and help with projects in the community.
“It is so rewarding!” said Ashley. “I also facilitate ‘Be Proud, Be Responsible’ (HIV / STD education/prevention) and ‘Getting Ahead in Just a Gettin’ by World,’ where we co-explore poverty together. I really enjoy working with the participants. I see a lot of my younger self (and friends) in them. I love that I can relate to them but also that they come to me and feel comfortable opening to me. It is really cool to see them work on themselves and build their confidence.”
In her ten-year plan, she says, “I see myself still living in Lewiston and working in the community. I hope to one day have a non-profit organization and business of my own.”