Jessica Reid
2020 40 Under 40 Honoree
Building LA
Corporate Intelligence
A Lewiston native, Jessica Reid must spend a bit of every day explaining the name of her company, Corporate Intelligence, Inc.
She oversees the operations of a leading local investigative and background search company with a day to day, “hands on” approach to pre-employment information needs and those services specifically structured to serve the legal community and the insurance industry.
“I started working with the company transcribing investigative reports when I was in high school. I’ve enjoyed getting to learn every aspect of the business and even the founder of the business has said that of every person that has come through this company, no one has been involved in more sides of it than I have.”
As for community service, she is currently the co-chair of the Maine Women’s Network Androscoggin chapter where she has helped introduce a new kind of networking to the Lewiston Auburn area that allows women from every profession to come together in different venues and learn more about each other and what the community has to offer.
“I am also a member of the Auburn-Lewiston Rotary Breakfast Club where we partner with many local organizations including but not limited to Boys and Girls Club, Good Shephard Food Bank and many other local giving groups.”
As for dining in LA, she says, “My go to for Chinese will always be Wei Lei. And I’ll be hard pressed to top the garlic knots at DaVinci’s.”