Michael Malloy
2017 40 Under 40 Honoree
Building LA
The Malloy Firm
Michael Malloy has an undergraduate degree with a double major in French and International Politics and Economics.
“I first wanted to do something around international relations. My first job out of college was in immigration law, representing U.S. employers of foreign nationals, and helping to assist victims of persecution. I got to use my language skills, and saw a way to make a living while also helping the most vulnerable,” said the Auburn resident who lives with “an amazing wife and two gorgeous kids.” “That led me to law school, and my interests grew to include broader business and municipal interests, but always with a strong desire to help bring people together.”
Malloy cites one special moment in his work, that happened several years ago, where he helped a victim of politically motivated torture start a new life in the local community.
“We were able to bring his family here as well,” said Malloy. “Where once they feared for their lives, they have a fresh start here in Maine.”
Initially, it was work that brought Malloy to LA.
“I was recruited by a local law firm several years ago. Even though it was in the depths of the recession, jobs were scarce, and I had a family to support and huge student loans to repay, it was one of the best things to ever happen to me,” reflects Malloy. “I ended up finding the community where I want to spend the rest of my life.”