Travis Dow
2017 40 Under 40 Honoree
Economic Development
Dow Media LLC
Travis Dow is the ultimate entrepreneur with multiple business ventures.
“What I do is really simple. I help local businesses grow and succeed,” said the LA area native.
In 2011, he started his first business, The Maine Home Show, and it has grown to become central Maine’s most well attended trade show.
“Exhibitors consider it to be one of the top three home shows in the State.”
In 2012, he launched MenusInLA.com, an online resource of eateries where menus can be viewed.
“We consistently see eight to ten thousand users per month looking for information on local restaurants.”
In 2014, Dow Media was formed. In addition to publishing Coupons in Maine, a local coupon magazine, the company assists companies with their marketing and promotions efforts.
“The best part of my job is all the people I meet and learning about the inner workings of their different businesses,” said Dow. “And then figuring out how to help them to be more successful.”
As an expert on the eating establishments in the area, where does Dow tend to eat?
“My list of places is just too big!” admits Dow. “We are so lucky to have such a great mix of restaurants. Some of the best pizza around is in the Twin Cities. We’ve got the mom-and-pop diners, great sandwich shops, phenomenal Asian cuisine, burger joints and sports bars, drive-ins and other summer spots and upscale casual options. Eating in LA never gets boring.”